Nancy Mace

Nancy Mace

Nancy Mace is a current Representative for South Carolina in the United States House of Representatives. She recently made the news for an update to a policy against allowing males in women's restrooms in the Capitol. She was born on December 4, 1977 to Brigadier General James Emory Mace and Nancy Mace. Despite dropping out of high school at age 17, she went on to receive a Bachelor's and then Master's degree. She worked for a time in the private sector before assisting in campaigns and eventually getting elected to office herself.

Mace had an interesting academic career. After being raped at age 16, she dropped out of high school when she was only 17. She apparently still suffers PTSD from the incident. She eventually got her high school diploma by taking college courses at Trident Technical College. She then went on to be the first women to graduate from The Citadel, a military school her father was commandant of at the time. She graduated in 3 years, magna cum laude, with a bachelors in Business Administration in 1999. She later graduated with a master's in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Georgia in 2004.

After dropping out of high school, Mace began her career working at a Waffle House. By 2001 she had published a book regarding her time in The Citadel titled "In The Company of Men: A Woman at The Citadel."

Fun Fact:

Cum laude means with honor

Magna cum laude means with great honor

Suma cum laude means with greatest honor

Her next notable career move was in "establishing her own company in 2008" according to her website and various other sites. However, upon further investigation it appears this company, The Mace Group, was originally founded in 1990 as a construction company in the UK and was merely rebranded in 2008 to account for a more broad description of its services. According to Mace's LinkedIn she worked in marketing and public relations. However, this position does seem to have launched her career as a politician as it enabled her to work in public relations for various start-ups, companies, and politicians.

Mace stopped working for The Mace Group in 2014, when she ran to be Senator of South Carolina. However, she lost miserably getting only 6.2% of the vote putting her in fifth place for the Republican primary. Mace then helped Trump get elected in 2016. By 2018, an opportunity arose for her to get elected to the House of Representatives. The previous Representative, Jimmy Merrill, resigned after getting impeached due to several ethics violations. Mace then got a resounding 49.5% of the initial primary vote and 63% of the vote in the runoff primary. In the official election she beat Democrat Cindy Boatwright (57%-43%) taking office in January of 2018. However, she ended up in reelection in November of the same year, allowing her to once again secure her seat in the House.

During her time as an elected representative, she has had the opportunity to impact many pieces of legislation. One of her major focuses has been on women's rights. Most notably she is heading a policy requiring people in the Capitol to use restrooms in accordance with their biological sex. This is in response to representative Sarah McBride's election, a trans-women from the state of Delaware. It is reported that McBride is fine following the rule and the two supposedly look forward to working together in the future. It is unclear how much this rule would affect either party as the Capitol is reported to have primarily ungendered single bathrooms in each office. However, Mace indicates that as a rape survivor she should not have to deal with any male in women's spaces. This comes after numerous cases have been reported of men allowed in women's spaces resulting in cases of rape.

One such case involves Tremaine Carroll, who was initially incarcerated in 1999 and tried to be resentenced in 2015. However, courts denied his resentencing appeal after finding that "resentencing Carroll would present an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety." He was transferred from a man's prison to a woman's prison in 2021 after California Senate Bill No. 132 went into affect. This bill required inmates to be referred to based on their gender identity and housed in prisons likewise corresponding to their gender identity. This 6 foot, 220 lb male claimed he never felt the need to change his appearance to fit into the 'box' of being a woman, but nonetheless identified as a woman. Within a year of being transferred to a woman's prison he was transferred back to a man's prison with 2 accounts of rape.

The Carroll case encouraged Mace's involvement in the Prison Rape Prevention Act, which would keep men out of women's prisons. Additionally, Mace sought to protect women through the "Laken Riley Bill" officially called The Preventing Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act. This act prevents foreigners convicted of sex offenses or domestic violence and those who admit to such crimes from gaining admission to the United States. It also states that any foreigner convicted of a sex offense or of conspiracy will face deportation.

However, Mace does not solely focus on Women's rights, but also does a lot of work with veteran's affairs and cybersecurity. In the cybersecurity realm, she has worked on various bills in response to recent cyber attacks including bills to modernize government technology, update job requirements for cybersecurity officials, and identify security risks. Mace also seems to have a strong belief in sentient extra-terrestrial life that has communicated with life on earth. She is heading up discussions to uncover any federal cover-ups of UAPs (rebranded UFOs). She has also worked on a Preventing Animal Abuse and Waste Act (PAAW) that prevents undue harm from befalling dogs and cats at the hand of the NIH (National Institute of Health) and requires the NIH to brief congress on all experiments they are funding regarding these creatures.

Nancy Mace is a very industrious Republican in the House of Representatives. She has passed numerous bills for the betterment of society. Her academics and experience have allowed her to be great at branding herself well as every politician must. Her parents seem to have had a great impact on her life ensuring she got her high school diploma and later watching as she got her bachelor's. She seems to be a reasonable individual who acquiesces to the LGBT+ community where she can, but stands firm in her beliefs when she cannot make allowances. Despite her pro-life claims, she seems to be on the fence regarding the issue and does not have a clear defining line as to when life truly begins. She is a very interesting politician and one to watch as time progresses.